# Who is this app for?

Generally, there are no restriction on the status of the user of the app. It can be used by any individual or company that matches their need with the ones given by this app. In broad terms, this app is for scientific and engineering uses.

# Is the app intended for single company?

No, the app is not intended to a single company or individual. Any individual or company with the use case of hydraulics engineering may use the app if they deem so.

# Is the app designed for specific group of companies?

No. The app is designed to be used by individuals or companies that may find the use in the app's features.

# What feature of the app is for use by general public?

The app is designed to be used in scientific and engineering purposes so it's not for the use of the general public or any feature of it.

# Which countries the app may be distributed?

The app can be distributed to any countries or regions that will allow the use of any part or feature of the app.

# Does user need an account to use the app?

No, users don't need an account to use the app.

# Is there any paid content in the app?

No, there are no paid content or feature of the app. However, the Pro version is a paid app so the user has to pay before downloading the app.

# Who pays for the paid content and how does users access it?

No one. There are no paid content in the app except the app download itself.

Last Updated: 7/22/2021, 11:39:55 AM